Nanchas {Family 2019}

March 12, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

You guys. I LOVE family sessions. Probably because I have so much fun interacting with and watching people! My dad and I (when I was in Jr. High and High School) used to go to the mall and just people watch. We would grab an iced coffee and just sit on the benches in the mall (after we'd window shopped, of course!) and watch people. It was one of my favorite memories we shared together.

I was so excited when Christy asked me to photograph her family (extended)!  It was her mom's birthday gift, and I just love that. What better birthday gift than memories and images you will have forever?! Each family is so different and unique and wonderful in their own ways; there are no two alike! I really enjoyed spending time with the Nance family. The location was their beautiful country home east of Dinuba; and the skies were PERFECT. Because it was overcast, we were able to capture the beautiful landscape of the orange orchards in the background, as well as the beautiful Sierra Nevadas! And if you live in the Central Valley, you know its a treat when you can actually see the mountains and not just the haze! 

I have a tradition of praying on my way to every shoot. It's important for me to do that because this business means more to me than just a paycheck. I am able to, for a short time, interact with people and bless them in some way with my talent and also what I have to offer from my heart; my story. Sessions are more to me than just a transaction, they are an opportunity for me to bless someone and glorify God in how I interact with my clients. I had specifically asked the Lord for an overcast session knowing the beautiful scenery I could capture if it was! What a gift that the cloud cover rolled in. I don't see God as a vending machine giving me everything I ask for (thank goodness for that!), but it's such a gift that's personal to me when He does. So thank you God! Here are some of my favorites from the session. Enjoy! 

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