The Koop Kids

April 16, 2019  •  2 Comments

It seems a bit ironic I'm posting this sweet session after a rough day with these three! Whew, parenting is no joke some days. Sometimes I feel like I can climb and run up Mt. Everest; I am super woman!!! And then there's day like today where I can pretty much pinpoint exactly what they'll be talking to a therapist about in 20 years. Oops. Anyone with me? 

All to say, I'm thankful for God's grace tonight! In which I am in constant need of. I'm thankful that every morning and throughout the day there are new mercies waiting for me, whenever I need it. I'm thankful my kids so freely and easily forgive me when I say " I'm so sorry _____, Mommy messed up again! Please forgive me". Done and done. I have so many lessons to learn from them!

I will have to say throughout this session I had to keep reminding myself of these blessings and how they are gifts, even when I was trying to get the perfect shot and they are completely goofing! I might have gone a little nuts at times! I mean, this mama just wants one picture! Haha, I feel all you families out there; family photos are no joke! But I pulled out some of the tricks that I use on my client's kiddos and we had a great time. I'm thankful they were up for an adventure in a field at 8am on their spring break! I love seeing each of their personalities (ahem, that middle child!) in these images and have already ordered a large canvas (of the last image, my favorite!) and prints to hang up on my walls. The craziness was worth it to be able to relive these moments in their lives as their sweet faces continue to lace my walls with remembrance of the "good days". 

Now...onto the pantry for some chocolate therapy! Enjoy! 


Aunt Norma(non-registered)
Wonderful images Kim. The goofy ones will become your favorites as the years go by. Love you sweet neice.
Friend these are beautiful! I love those kiddos! And I love your heart. Thank you for sharing dear friend! ❤️
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